Quickstart for non-English Users
From Librivox wiki
LibriVox is mainly focused on English content and the Wiki's and Forum's main language is also English. So it might be difficult for foreign-language users to orientate, these links should help you get started.
- Offene Projekte: Mehrere Sprecher (Group oder Collaborative); Ein Sprecher (Solo)
- Sammlungen: Gedichte; kurze Prosa; Adventskalender
- Proyectos en desarrollo: en colaboración (Group u Collaborative); un solo lector (Solo)
- Glosario (Glossary)
- Guía Para Nuevos Lectores
- Prueba de 1 minuto
- Projets ouverts: Plusieurs intervenants (Group ou Collaborative); Un porte-parole (Solo)
- Collections: poèmes
- Lopende projecten: meerdere voorlezers (group of collaborative); één voorlezer (Solo)