Solistas: Como actualizar la Ventanita Mágica

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Crear un nuevo proyecto de solista

  1. Vaya a rellene la forma, y copie el código que produce. O de la manera previa: vaya a; encontrará un enlace a la plantilla para proyectos de solistas en español. Cópiela (por favor note que estas plantillas son actualizadas regularmente, y es una buena idea copiar la plantilla de aquí para futuros proyectos tambien, en vez de copiar de antiguos proyectos).
  2. Empiece un nuevo tema en el foro NEW PROJECTS LAUNCH PAD. Copie el código que le dió la forma, o la plantilla (asegurándose de completarla). Revise la plantilla y haga los cambios necesarios (ej. remover acentos, etc del nombre de ficha).
  3. Espere a que un MC tome su proyecto. El MC pondrá los detalles de su proyecto en el sistema, y reemplazará ciertas secciones de la plantilla. También le marcará como el lector de todas las secciones. Como si por magia aparecerá la lista de secciones (la Ventanita Mágica)!
  4. Su MC moverá su proyecto al foro Going Solo, y le dará su nombre de usuario y contraseña para usar el sistema administrativo (si aún no lo tiene). Ahí podrá agregar títulos de secciones, la ubicación de cada archivo para que se pueda hacer el PL (escuchar los archivos para comprobar que no hayan errores). Usará este mismo nombre de usuario y contraseña para todos los proyectos en los que sea BC, Alt-BC o DPL.

Lo básico de usar la Administración de proyectos (BC admin)

  1. Para simplificarle el proceso, verá que hay un pequeño enlace a la sección de Administración de Proyectos (BC es la abreviación en inglés de Coordinador de Libros; en el caso de proyecto de solista, es usted, el lector) debajo de la Ventanita Mágica en el primer mensaje de su proyecto:
  2. Cuando abra la sección de Administración de Proyectos, verá la lista de lectores de su proyecto. Esta lista tiene dos formatos: (a) el formato de lector, 'reader' (no va a necesitar este formato ya que es el único lector) y (b) el formato de secciones o capítulos, 'sections/chapters' (donde marcará completas las secciones, etc).

Puede ir de uno al otro a travéz del enlace directamente arriba de la lista (dirá "Change to sort by reader" cuando esté en formato de secciones, y "Change to sort by sections/chapters" cuando esté en formato de lectores):

Agregar títulos de capítulos/secciones

MCs can now import the titles for cataloguing. Therefore, enter the titles as you'd like them to appear later. This means that they have to be sortable. Usually, we achieve that by putting the section in front of the chapter title, e.g. "00 - Preface" and "01 - The Red Carpet" etc. However, if the chapters are just called 'Chapter 1,' 'Chapter 2' etc, you can put in the title field "Chapter 01" and "Chapter 02-03" (note that it has to be Chapter not Chapters all the way through, and that you need the leading zeros to make it sort correctly later).

  1. Go to your BC admin.
  2. Click "Sort by sections/chapters" (see section 2. "Basics on using the BC admin" above).
  3. Click "edit" in a "Title" field. Type (or paste) the chapter/section name.
  4. Hit "return/enter" on your keyboard to save the title.
  5. NOTE: Occasionally you find that once a project has been going for a little while, that you need to split a chapter into two sections. Should this happen, please ask your MC to make another section for you. Each section should only contain one file in the end.

Example of a Magic Window:

Agregar los archivos completados

When you submit files, you should provide the file location (a URL) and the file duration. (The latter is important because your MC needs it during cataloguing to check the file hasn't been chopped off somewhere during the process.) - You can do this straight in the BC admin, it only takes a moment. Please post in your project thread that you have added a file; your PLer can get the details from the Magic Window.

  1. Go to your BC admin.
  2. Sort by Sections/Chapters (see section 2. "Basics on using the BC admin" above).
  3. Follow steps outlined in the three steps below; see also the image in section 3.

Noting down the file duration

  1. Click "Edit" in the 'Notes' field of the section for which you're submitting a file.
  2. Enter the file duration in the format mm:ss.
  3. Click the "save" button.

Entering the file location

  1. Click "Edit" in the 'Listen URL' field of the section for which you're submitting a file. Copy and paste the full URL. In the Magic Window, this URL will automatically appear as a clickable "Listen!" link.
  2. Hit return/enter on your keyboard to save.
  3. Make sure the URL is correct (that it follows your filename scheme). If it isn't, PM your MC and ask her/him to correct it for you in the Uploader admin. When it's done, change the URL to the correct one in the BC admin as in 1.-2. above.

Marking sections 'Complete'

Once you have submitted a file, you'll mark the section 'complete.'

  1. Click the "Complete" checkbox(es) for the completed section(s). The colour of the section will change to green. In the Magic Window, the "Status" column will change from 'available' to 'complete' and the colour will change there, too.

Notas de Oyente (PL)

As your proof-listeners report back, they will typically add their findings to the "Notes" field (if they are DPLs, they can do so themselves as they will have BC admin access; otherwise ask your MC on how to handle this). If the section is OK, they will just put 'OK' or 'PL OK' in the Notes field and the section is then done. If there are PL notes, the Notes field will specify.

Marcar una sección editada

Once the PL notes are back, if the section is not OK, you will edit the file. You should then re-upload the edited file with the same name as before, so you shouldn't have to change the Listen URL (make sure the URL is correct, though). You should also note the new, post-edit, file duration.

You will need to change the Notes field. (Ideally, the PLer will double-check that the required changes have been made.)

  1. Go to your BC admin.
  2. Sort by Sections/Chapters (see section 2. "Basics on using the BC admin" above).
  3. Click "Edit" in the "Notes" field for the chapter you wish to notate.
  4. If the file is good to go, change "PL note" if you had it there before, to "PL OK (edited)" or just "OK (edited)" - it's advisable to note that a file is edited so there's no confusion about the status (remember the filename will be the same).
  5. Change the file duration to the post-edit duration.
  6. Click the "save" button.

Preguntas Frecuentes

Are there rules about how we must enter information in the "Notes" fields?

You can enter information in the "notes" fields in whatever format is most efficient for you. There's no real standard; just try to keep everything as clear and comprehensible as possible for you, and your proof-listener(s).

What do I do if I have a work which is divided into several "books", each with subdivisions, e.g. "Book Two, Chapter Four, Part Three"?

When you first enter the project, total up how many files you will have. Enter this number in the "Number of Sections" field (this usually corresponds to the eventual "track number"). Once the Magic Window is up and running, type out the names of all the sections into the "Title" fields. If unsure, ask your MC what to put BEFORE typing them all in because it'll be a lot of work to change it afterward (and we do need the correct titles for cataloguing)!

Can I see a list of all the projects I'm working on?

Yup! Click the "View All My Projects" link in the upper-right corner of the BC admin page.

(Have a question? Need clarification? Think something should be added to this page? Found a bug in the system? Have a feature request? Send a PM to your MC!)