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There are several ways to listen to Librivox Audiobooks on your smart phone. Apple iTunes's app is called PODCAST, the icon is a purple square with a microphone in the center. If you hit the green iTunes button on any catalog page, it will shortly turn up in your iTunes Podcasts, and will be visible in "Shows" on this app. Unfortunately our covers don't render in iTunes. Librivox Audiobooks, which is not affiliated with Librivox but was created by a Librivox member, renders all of our books into its catalog within a few hours of release. These can be found by pressing NEW on LA's Catalog page, and books can be sorted alphabetically, searched by title, stored in Favorites, etc. The app is very versatile, the paid version (at this writing only $2.99 once only) is far superior and ad free. These two, and other podcast listening apps can be found and downloaded from the Apple Store.

BC's should keep in mind, podcast apps strip the section numbers off of our chapter titles, so unless you add those numbers into the Title column in your Magic Window, they will not appear on your podcast screen. For example, if you want listeners to visually see the number 10 as they hear you say "end of Section 9", you have to add numbers into the title in the MW.

The rule of thumb is you always have to use the same number of digits. So a project with 9 or less sections, you use 1, 2, 3; 10 to 99 sections, you use 01, 02, 03; 100 or more sections, you use 001, 002, 003. Or, you could say Ch. 1, Ch. 2, Ch. 3; Ch. 1, Part 1, Ch. 1, Part 2; or 1.1, 1.2; or Ch1, Ch2, Ch3.1, Ch3.2. Etc. As your telephone screen is small, the fewer characters you use to get the point across, the better.