Forum Policies

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LibriVox is a pretty wide-open sort of project and we try to keep a minimum of rules and regulations to follow, but we do have some that you should keep in mind on our forums and in your PMs:

  1. Be Nice. Excessive and repeated un-niceness may result in your being asked to leave LibriVox.
    1. "Un-niceness" includes: personal attacks, abusive language (in the public forums or in PMs), excessive flaming, threats, and other things that would be considered NOT NICE by a reasonable person.
    2. "Being asked to leave" means: Violators of the Be Nice policy will be given three formal warnings by PM regarding violations of the "Be Nice" forum policy. The third formal warning will be the last, and subsequent violations will result in a ban.

  2. We Are All Volunteers. Everyone here, everyone, is a volunteer. We all do our best to make this project work. We cannot be perfect, and we cannot get everything right, but we try our hardest. Please respect that. By the way "we" probably includes "you." In considering this, please refer again to rule number 1, which in the end is the most important.

  3. No Unasked-For Criticism. For various reasons, we don't allow negative criticism (unless asked-for) of specific LibriVox recordings, readers or books on the forum. General criticism is fine. For more information, see:

  4. Off-Topic Discussions May Be Moved to 'Off Topic' Thread. LibriVox survives because of the great community, but sometimes topic threads veer off track, especially Book project threads. In particular long debates about politics or metaphysical arguments can derail a project thread. If it seems like such discussions are hurting the project, they will get moved to the off-topic thread, where you are free to chatter as much as you like as long as you respect rule 1, above. And note, this principle applies to non-project threads as well: if you are off-topic (even in a an off-topic thread) your discussions may be moved.

  5. Spam and External Links: What does and does not constitute spam or other undesirable content is often in the eye of the beholder. While every effort is made to facilitate free and open communication in the forums, posts may be deleted, modified, or edited at the forum moderators' discretion. Generally, the author of a modified or edited post will be contacted via PM explaining why the post was so changed.
    Content which may be deleted, modified, or edited include, but are not limited to:
    1. Links or content promoting third-party websites unrelated to LibriVox's areas of interests.
    2. Links or content that may cause LibriVox to be in breach of the law. Since LibriVox has no financial or legal resources, it is not in a position to become embroiled in any legal proceedings.
    3. Links or content of a commercial nature.