Chinese Homepage Translation (Traditional)

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(August 2007's update)

Chinese (Traditional) Translation of the Librivox site

This page shall be our worksheet for the various subpages of the librivox homepage.

Pages translated into Chinese (Traditional)

We are on the way to translate important parts of our website to several languages. Please understand that this is work-intensive and difficult to keep the translated pages as current as the original version. Moreover, it is unavoidable that links from the translated websites mostly point to English pages.

將網頁翻譯成中文 我們正在將我們網站上重要的部分翻譯成不同的語言,請大家明瞭這是個相當費力耗時的工作,要能及時將翻譯的網頁隨原始網頁而更新是相當困難的,再者,在這個翻譯網站上的連結也大都無可避免地會連結到許多英文的網頁。
acoustical liberation of books in the public domain TRANSLATE HERE


Listen 聽書
LibriVox provides free audiobooks from the public domain. There are several options for listening. The first step is to get the mp3 or ogg files into your own computer: LibriVox 提供免費來自公共領域的有聲書,要聽有聲書有幾種選擇,第一步,先要取得 mp3 或 ogg 檔案,將這些檔案放到你自己的電腦中:
LibriVox's catalog LibriVox 的目錄
Podcast 線上廣播 (Podcast)
Read 朗讀
Would you like to record chapters of books in the public domain? It's easy to volunteer. All you need is a computer, some free recording software, and your own voice. 您想要錄下公共領域內某些書籍的章節嗎? 要作義工很容易, 您只需要一部電腦、某個免費的錄音軟體、和你的聲音。
Volunteer 作義工
Visit the forums 請到我們的論壇看看
Centered Info:
Librivox volunteers record chapters of books in the public domain and publish the audiofiles on the internet.Our goal is to record all the books in the public domain. LibriVox 的義工錄製公共領域書籍的章節,並且把錄音檔公開在網路上。我們的目標是錄製所有在公共領域的書籍。
Homepage's sidebar
LibriVox free audiobooks
LibiVox: free audiobooks LibriVox:免費的有聲書
LibriVox volunteers record chapters of books in the public domain and release the audio files back onto the net. Our goal is to make all public domain books available as free audio books. LibriVox 的義工錄下公共領域內書籍的章節,然後將語音檔案發表於網路上,我們的目標是將所有公共領域內的書都做成免費的有聲書。
More information 更多資訊
FAQ 問與答
Contact 聯絡方式
LibriVox Links
LibriVox Links LibriVox 的連結
Our catalogue 我們的目錄
How to listen 如何收聽
How to volunteer 如何作義工
LibriVox forums LibriVox 的論壇
LibriVox wiki LibriVox 維基
LibriVox Feeds
LibriVox Feeds LibriVox 的訊息來源
LibriVox Books Podcast LibriVox 書籍線上廣播
LibriVox community Podcast LibriVox 社群線上廣播
New Releases Podcast 新釋出錄音之線上廣播
New Releases Feed 新釋出錄音之訊息來源

Latest News Feed 最新訊息來源
External Links
External Links 外界的連結
Other projects 其他計畫
Hosting generously provided by Project Gutenberg

LibriVox is proudly powered by WordPress Entries (RSS) and Comments (RSS)

Project Gutenberg 慷慨的提供主機代管

令人感到驕傲的,LibriVox 是由 WordPress, Entries (RSS) 以及 Comments (RSS) 所驅動。

Public Domain

Copyright, Public Domain and LibriVox
Copyright, Public Domain, and LibriVox 著作權,公共領域,以及 LibriVox
Copyright gives an individual or corporation exclusive rights on a text, for a limited period of time. This means no one else can reproduce the text or make derivative works (such as audio recordings) while the copyright is in force. Copyrights are granted for a limited time, and eventually they expire, and the text enters the “public domain.” Meaning anyone can use that text however they wish. 著作權給予個人、公司或法人團體的文稿創作有時間性的專屬權利。這表示在著作權法有效的保護期間,其他人不可以複製文稿或是衍生作品 (例如錄音)。著作權的保護是有時間性,一旦保護期限一過,這些文稿會進入 「公共領域」。這意味著任何人可以隨意使用這些文稿。
LibriVox records only texts that are in the public domain (in the USA – see below for why), and all our recordings are public domain (definitely in the USA, and maybe in your country as well, see below). This means anyone can use all our recordings however they wish (even to sell them). LibriVox 只錄製在公共領域的文稿 (在美國- 請見下方的原因說明),而我們的錄音也是在公共領域 (很清楚的,在美國是如此,或許在您的國家也是,請見下方說明)。這表示任何人可以任意使用我們的錄音 (甚至拿去賣錢)。
In addition, book summaries, CD cover art, and any other material that goes into our catalog with the audio recordings are in the public domain. 此外,書籍摘要,CD 封面藝術,以及任何其他目錄內的素材,包含錄製的聲音檔,都置於公共領域。
More information
More information 更多資訊
Practicalities 實際例子
Copyright and Public Domain in the USA 美國的著作權與公共領域
What can other people do with LibriVox Recordings 人們可以怎麼使用 LibriVox 的錄音
Why We Use the Laws of the USA 為何我們採用美國的法律
Other Resources 其他資源
The practical implications of our copyright policies are: 我們的著作權政策之實際意涵:
if you record for LibriVox, all your recordings will be donated to the public domain 如果您要協助 LibriVox 錄音,您所有的錄音將捐出到公共領域 (註:放棄著作權)
you may do whatever you like with our recordings - you don’t need permission 對於我們的錄音,您想怎麼作都可以- 您不需得到同意
in general, we can only record texts published before 1923 一般來說,我們只錄製在 1923 年前出版的文稿

we cannot record texts that are still under copyright in the USA, but public domain in another country 我們不能錄製在其他國家是公共領域,但是在美國卻還在著作權法保護的書籍
all our recordings are public domain in the USA, but not necessarily in other countries 我們的錄音在美國是公共領域,但是在其他國家不必然是
if you are outside the USA, we recommend that you check the copyright status of the work in your country before downloading our recording of it 如果您不在美國,我們建議您在下載錄音前先確定該作品在您的國家的著作權狀態
Copyright and Public Domain (in the USA)
Under US law (under which LibriVox operates), public domain includes all works published before 1923. A work published after 1923 is probably not in the public domain and we probably cannot record it. If a work is published before 1923, then we can record it. 根據美國法律 (LibriVox 是在美國法律之下運作),在 1923 年之前所發表的所有創作都屬於公共領域。而在 1923 年之後所發表的創作未必是在公共領域,因此我們不能用來錄音。如果是在 1923 年之前發表的創作,我們就可以用來錄音。
Note also, that a translation is considered a new work, and its copyright status is determined by the year of publication of the translation, not the original work. 同時也請注意,一般認為翻譯是一項新的創作,其著作權權利狀態之決定是在翻譯發表的那一年,而非原始創作。
Theoretically new works should come into the public domain every year (this is what happens in other countries), however in the United States, a number of copyright laws have been passed extending the copyright term. See the wikipedia article for more info. 理論上,每年都會有新的創作進入公共領域 (在其他國家是如此),然而在美國,有一些著作權法已經通過可以延長其著作權期間。更多的說明請見維基百科的文章
For a detailed flowchart of determining public domain, see: copyright flowchart (from law firm, Bromberg & Sunstein). 更詳細的公共領域判定流程圖,請見著作權流程圖 (來自 Bromberg & Sunstein 法律事務所)。
And for more information, resources, and links see the LibriVox wiki. 更多的資訊,資源,以及連結,請見 LibriVox 維基
What Can Other People Do with LibriVox Recordings
LibriVox recordings are in the public domain, which means people can do anything they like with them. Mostly this just means people can listen to them for free. But it also means they can: sell them (for instance on ebay), broadcast them, put them in commercials, play them at political rallies, chop them up, remix them, make music recordings of them. The recordings are free, and there is no need to credit LibriVox, although of course we much prefer if you do credit us (with a link to our site). LibriVox 的錄音是公共領域,這代表人們可以任意使用這些錄音。主要是人們可以免費聽這些錄音。但是人們也可以:販賣這些錄音 (例如在 ebay),播放這些錄音,將錄音加到商品,在政治集會時播放,剪接,重混,作音樂錄製。這些錄音是免費,甚至不需要在致謝上列出 LibriVox,不過我們當然希望您可以提到我們 (加個連結到我們網頁)。
Here are some other examples of what people might do (and would have the right to do) with our recordings (and, if your record for us, your recordings): 這裡是人們可以使用我們的錄音 (若您幫我們錄音,就包括您的錄音) 的其他例子 (也是人們有權利可以這樣作):
make CDs of Romance of Rubber sold as a fundraiser for a charity you don’t like; 為橡膠羅曼史 (Romance of Rubber) 這本書製作 CD,並販賣它們,為您不喜歡的慈善機構募款,
put Origin of the Species as background atmosphere for a pornographic film; 在色情片中加上物種原始 (Origin of the Species) 當背景,
sample Fables for the Frivolous in a violent rap song; 將預言故事 Fables for the Frivolous 取一部分加到暴力 rap 歌曲,
use the summary of Frankenstein to promote a major motion picture. 使用鐘樓怪人 (Frankenstein) 的摘要來促銷電影。
Although these examples are far-fetched, they are all acceptable uses of public domain materials. So be aware of what you are doing when you free your recordings and text into the public domain. You really have to let go! 儘管這些例子很牽強附會,然而使用公共領域在上述的例子都是可接受的。因此請務必注意,當您釋放您的錄音及文稿到公共領域,您必須接受別人進行任何用途。
Why We Use the Laws of the USA
LibriVox is an international project, with volunteer readers and listeners from all over the world, and we record and make available texts in many languages. Copyright laws differ from country to country, and a work that is in the public domain in one country is not necessarily public domain in another. Our dependence on US law is a matter of practicalities and the legal suggestions we have received from various people. The main reasons that we must use US laws include: TRANSLATE HERE
the domain name is registered in the USA 這個網域名稱是在美國註冊的
our website is hosted in the USA 我們的網頁掛載在美國
all our audio files are hosted in the USA 我們所有的錄音檔也掛載在美國
the vast majority of our source texts come from Project Gutenberg, which does the (arduous) legal work to assure public domain status in the USA TRANSLATE HERE
it is impossible for us to verify the copyright status of every work in every country, or even many countries 我們不可能去查證每個創作在每個國家或是多數國家的著作權著作狀態
We do our utmost to ensure that all our recordings are public domain in the USA, and we offer them up to the world for free, but if you are in another country, it’s a good idea to check the status of a particular work before downloading, otherwise you *might* be violating copyright laws. TRANSLATE HERE
Other Resources
Copyright law is a complicated and important business, and we encourage everyone to read more about it. Here are some resources: 著作權法是很複雜也很重要的交易,我們鼓勵每個人都該多唸點著作權相關的資料。這裡有些資源:
LibriVox Copright and Public Domain Wiki Page LibriVox 的著作權與公共領域 Wiki 網頁
Public domain - wikipedia 公共領域 (Public domain) - wikipedia
Copyright - wikipedia 著作權 (Copyright)- wikipedia
Copyleft - wikipedia 著佐權 (Copyleft) - wikipedia
Union for the public domain NO NEED TO TRANSLATE
Creative commons NO NEED TO TRANSLATE
Free software foundation NO NEED TO TRANSLATE
Digital copyright canada NO NEED TO TRANSLATE
Project Gutenberg NO NEED TO TRANSLATE


LibriVox Podcasts
LibriVox podcasts LibriVox 的客製廣播
A podcast is a way to automatically download audiofiles to your computer from a specific show, or “feed.” You can listen on your computer, on a portable media device such as an ipod, or you can burn the files to a CD and listen on a regular stereo. In order to get podcasts onto your computer, you’ll need some podcatching software, such as iTunes or Juice. Alternately, you can listen to podcasts “streaming” in your browser. For more detailed instructions, see our Guide for Listeners (wiki) (in English). 客製廣播電台就是自動將某個特定的節目或「傳播點」的語音檔案下載到到你的電腦中,你可以用你的電腦、或是像ipod一樣的隨身媒體播放器來收聽,或者你也可以將檔案燒錄至CD中,由一般的音響播放,要能取得客製的廣播節目到你的電腦中,你需要一個能擷取廣播的軟體,如:iTunesJuice。 除此之外,你也可以在你的瀏覽器中收聽「串流」的客製廣播節目,要取得更詳細的操作說明,請看我們的(維基)收聽指南
LibriVox is currently podcasting five different shows: LibriVox 現有的客製廣播有五種不同的節目:
LibriVox Books Podcast TRANSLATE HERE
LibriVox Community Podcast TRANSLATE HERE
LibriVox Poetry Podcast TRANSLATE HERE
LibriVox Short Story Podcast TRANSLATE HERE
LibriVox New Releases Podcast LibriVox 新書發表的客製化廣播
LibriVox Books Podcast
We select a book from our collection and podcast a chapter at a time, three times a week, from start to finish. 這是由我們的有聲書庫中挑選出一本書,一次播放一章,每週播放三次,有始有終地將全本書播完。
To subscribe to this podcast, copy and paste this URL into your podcatcher: 要訂閱這個客製化廣播,請複製並將此URL地址貼到你的廣播擷取軟體中。 NO NEED TO TRANSLATE
Or click on the URL below to add the podcast to iTunes automatically (say “yes” if your computer asks): 或者點擊下面的URL,將它自動加入iTunes中(若你的電腦詢問,就回答「是」):
LibriVox Community Podcast
A weekly podcast for and by the LibriVox community. Rotating hosts design shows on all sorts of topics, from the latest new projects to technical advice, interviews with readers, listeners, admins, and others. If you’d like to host a show, let us know. 這是每週一次由LibriVox的社群為本社群而自製的廣播,由節目主持人輪流設計不同主題的節目內容,其內容從最新的計畫案到技術性的建議、以及訪問書籍的朗讀者、聽眾、網站的管理者、及其他人。 你若想要主持節目,請聯絡我們。
To subscribe to this podcast, copy and paste this URL into your podcatcher: 要訂閱這個客製化廣播,請複製並將此URL地址貼到你的廣播擷取軟體中。 NO NEED TO TRANSLATE
Or click on the URL below to add the podcast to iTunes automatically (say “yes” if your computer asks): 或者點擊下面的URL,將它自動加入iTunes中(若你的電腦詢問,就回答「是」):
LibriVox Poetry Podcast
Every Saturday a new selection of poems randomly selected from LibriVox’s vast catalog of poems short and long, as well as samples from full books of poetry. You will also find here sample(s) from last week’s Poem of the Week. TRANSLATE HERE
To subscribe to this podcast, click the appropriate feed: TRANSLATE HERE
Poetry via FeedBurner TRANSLATE HERE
Poetry via iTunes TRANSLATE HERE
LibriVox Short Story Podcast
A growing collection of short stories for easy selection. Viewing this podcast in iTunes will allow you to click on the Name heading so that the entire list of stories will become alphabetized by author’s name. Possibilities abound! A great way to select from stories you’d never thought of before. TRANSLATE HERE
To subscribe to this podcast, click the appropriate feed: TRANSLATE HERE
Short Stories via FeedBurner TRANSLATE HERE
Short Stories via iTunes TRANSLATE HERE
LibriVox New Releases Podcast
As we continue to test the waters, the New Releases Podcast is currently appearing only intermittently. Alternately, if you are interested in seeing our very newest releases, they are always available on the New Releases page; an RSS feed is also available from that page. To sample a recording, simply click the ‘’ link on its catalogue page — there you will find a streaming media player and can listen immediately to any chapter / section. TRANSLATE HERE
The LibriVox New Releases Podcast is a way for both the general public and LibriVox community members to review and sample the newest LibriVox audiobooks without having to download a series of large, individual audio files. The outward reaching New Releases Podcast appears regularly in the middle and at the end of every month! A listing of the newest releases over the past two weeks, together with a dozen poignant sound samplings from LibriVox volunteer readers, is now available in your earbuds. LibriVox新書發表的客製化廣播讓一般大眾以及LibriVox社群成員,不必下載一系列個別的語音大檔就能夠檢閱與試聽最新的LibriVox有聲書,在每個月中以及月尾都有這種新書發表的廣播,來延伸我們社群的觸角!包含前兩週新書發表的書單,以及許多讓你聽了欲罷不能的LibriVox義務朗讀者的試聽檔,現在都任你聆聽。
To subscribe to this podcast, copy and paste this URL into your podcatcher: 要訂閱這個客製化廣播,請複製並將此URL地址貼到你的廣播擷取軟體中。 NO NEED TO TRANSLATE
Or click on the URL below to add the podcast to iTunes automatically (say “yes” if your computer asks): 或者點擊下面的URL,將它自動加入iTunes中(若你的電腦詢問,就回答「是」):

It's easy to volunteer / Volunteer

Volunteering for LibriVox
Volunteering for LibriVox 作LibriVox的義工
LibriVox volunteers read and record chapters of books in the public domain (books no longer under copyright), and make them available for free on the Internet. Practically, this means we record books published before 1923. All our recordings (including yours, if you volunteer for us) are also donated into the public domain. LibriVox的義工朗讀且錄製公共領域(已不再受到著作權保護的書籍)內的書籍章節,將其放在網路上提供免費使用,實際上,這表示我們僅錄製在1923年之前出版的書籍。 我們所有的錄音(如果你們也是我們的義工,也包括你們的錄音)都被捐到公共領域上了。
We record books in all languages. 我們錄製所有語言的書籍。
You do not need any prior experience to volunteer for LibriVox, nor do you need to audition or send us samples. All you need is your voice, some free software, your computer, and maybe an inexpensive microphone. 你不必先有替LibriVox作義工的經驗,也不需要面試或寄來試聽檔,你只需要你的聲音、某個免費軟體、你的電腦、以及一支便宜的麥克風。
All LibriVox activity (book selection, project management, discussion, etc) happens on our Forum, and you’ll need to register there to join us. Our forum members are a friendly bunch, and questions will be answered there quickly (much more quickly than if you send us an email!). 所有LibriVox的活動(選書、管理計畫、討論、等等)都在我們的論壇中發生,而你需要在那兒註冊才能加入我們的行列,我們的論壇成員都是很友善的,問題在那兒很快就能得到回答(若你送email會更快!)。
We do suggest you read the document below, before registering and posting on the Forum, to get an idea of how everything works. 我們建議你在註冊與留言之前,先讀一讀下面關於論壇的文件,才好掌握事情的處理方式。
More information
About Recording 關於錄音
LibriVox Project Types LibriVox 的計畫型態
Navigating the Forum 論壇導航
Cast of Characters 人員角色
How it Works 如何發揮功用
Other Information 其他資訊
About Recording
Many LibriVox volunteers have never recorded anything, certainly not audiobooks. If you are new to recording, you’ll find many helpful people on the forum who will help you get yourself set up. Here is an overview, About Recording for LibriVox. 許多LibriVox的義工不曾錄製過任何東西,當然也沒錄過有聲書,若你剛開始錄音,你會在論壇中發現很多能幫助你設定好工作環境的人,這兒是關於為LibriVox錄音的概論。
LibriVox Project Types
We have a number of different types of projects: 我們有各式各樣的計畫:
collaborative: many volunteers contribute chapters of a long text. 協同合作:有許多義工一起出力錄製長篇論著中的各個章節
solo: one volunteer reads an entire book. 獨自朗讀:由一個義工朗讀整本書
short works (prose and poetry): short works and poetry! 短篇作品(散文或詩詞):是短篇作品及詩詞!
dramatic works: “actors” record parts, all edited together. 戲劇作品:「演員」錄製所扮演的角色部分,再全部編輯彙整。
other languages: projects in languages other than English. 其他語言:其他非英語的計畫
Navigating the Forum
The Forums are split into three main sections: 論壇分成三個主要部分:
About LibriVox 關於LibriVox
info about LibriVox, including our FAQ 關於LibriVox的資訊,包括我們的問與答
Books (Volunteer for Reading & Other Things) 書籍(志願朗讀與做其他工作)
This section includes: 此項目包括:
Book Suggestions (discuss books you’d like to record) 書籍建議(討論你想要錄製的書籍)
Readers Wanted (where projects needing readers are listed) 需要朗讀者(需要朗讀者的計畫案列於此處)
Going Solo (you’ll need to do a collaborative recording first) 進行獨自朗讀(你必須先做過合作朗讀之後才能夠進行此案)
Listeners & Editors Wanted (our proof-listening process) 需要聽校與編輯者(我們的校聽過程)
Volunteer for Other Projects (other types of projects) 志願做其他的計畫(其他型態的計畫)
Help, Discussion, & Suggestions 求助、討論、以及建議
For your questions, news and general chatter 的問題、新聞與聊天
Cast of Characters
We’re all volunteers, and we’ve flipped traditional hierarchy upside down. The most important people in LibriVox are the readers, and everyone else works hard to help them make more audiobooks. We encourage everyone to do as much or as little as they like, and mostly if you have an idea and want to implement it, you’ll find lots of support. Here is a list of people you will run into and what they do (note: they are all volunteers): 我們都是義工,而我們已將傳統的行政結構翻轉成為由下而上,LibriVox中最重要的是朗讀者,而其他所有人都會賣力地幫助他們錄製更多的有聲書,我們鼓勵每個人都按照自己的意願,想多做就多做,想少做就少做,且經常當你有想法要貫徹時,你會發現有很多人會支持輔助你,這兒是你會碰到的人的名單以及他們在做什麼(請注意:他們都是義工):
readers: record chapters of public domain books 朗讀者:錄製公共領域書籍中的章節
book coordinators: manage production of a particular book 書籍協調召集人:經手某本書籍錄製的管理者
meta coordinators: catalog completed books on the web 總協調召集人:將完成的書籍編目後放於網路上的人
moderators: help the forum run smoothly 監督仲裁者:幫忙論壇順利運作的人
admins: try to make sure everyone has what they need 行政管理者:此管理者試著讓每個人都能得到他所需要的
How it Works
Practically, here is how things work: 事實上,下列為本計畫能順利進行的要素:
1. a book coordinator posts a book in the New Projects Launch Pad Section. 1. 書籍協調召集人在需要朗讀者的項目中留言提出該書的計畫案。
2. a meta coordinator claims the project and moves the thread to the appropriate forum. TRANSLATE HERE
3. volunteers “claim” chapters to read. 3.義工認領想要唸的章節。
4. the readers record their chapters in digital format. 4.朗讀者以數位格式錄製他們的章節。
5. the book coordinator collects all the files of all the chapters. 5.書籍協調召集人收集所有章節的所有檔案。
6. the book coordinator sends the collected files to a meta coordinator. 6.書籍協調召集人將收集的檔案寄給總協調召集人。
7. we check the files for technical problems in the Listeners Wanted section. 7.我們在需要聽校者項目中將檔案校聽並修正解決技術上的問題。
8. the book coordinator sends the collected, corrected files to a meta coordinator. 8.書籍協調召集人將收集好且修正過的檔案寄給總協調召集人。
9. another public domain audiobook is made available for free. 9.又完成一本免費的公共領域的書了。
Other Information
There are many, many other things you can do to help, so please feel free to jump into the Forums. 還有很多、很多其他的工作需要你的幫忙,請你不要客氣快進來論壇逛逛。
See here for a more detailed FAQ (in English). 請參照這裡的更詳盡的問與答
See here for a Guides for Listeners & Volunteers (the LibriVox wiki). 請參照這裡的聽校者與義工的指南(LibriVox wiki)。
Contact us by email at: info AT librivox DOT org 要聯絡我們請寄:info AT librivox DOT org

About Recording for LibriVox

About Recording for LibriVox 有關為 LibriVox 錄音
LibriVox is always looking for more volunteer readers.

See How LibriVox Works, or visit our Forum. On this page:

LibriVox 一直在找尋更多讀者的參與。

請見 LibriVox 如何運作,或是參訪我們本網頁的論壇

Bare Basics of Recording for LibriVox 為 LibriVox 錄音的基本要點
Basic Advice about Reading (and links to more advice) 朗讀的基本裝置 (將連到更多裝置)
Basic Setup for Recording (and links to step-by-step guides) 基本錄音設定 (將連到逐步操作的使用說明)
The best starting point is The Newbie Guide To Recording. TRANSLATE HERE
Bare Basics of Recording for LibriVox
All the reading projects are organized on the LibriVox Forum - you can read posts as a “Guest,” but if you want to participate, just register. Then you can post messages, ask questions, introduce yourself, volunteer, and so on. TRANSLATE HERE
Most readers use a microphone plugged into their computer, record with a free program called Audacity, edit out their mistakes and send their files through the Internet (easy instructions and easy uploaders available). TRANSLATE HERE
There aren’t any auditions or quizzes. TRANSLATE HERE
Everyone is welcome! 任何人都歡迎!
Basic Advice about Reading
Volunteer for texts that you enjoy. Don’t volunteer out of duty, volunteer for the pleasure of reading a particular thing aloud to the world. Your pleasure will add a special quality to the recording and will increase the chances that you’ll read more! TRANSLATE HERE
Read the text before you record it - it helps to know what you’re reading. If you’re a wonderfully expressive reader who conveys the text well, you’ll also convey your confusion whenever you’re lost. Some folks will read over a page, record it, pause the recorder or save (safer), read over the next page, record that one, and so on. Suit yourself. TRANSLATE HERE
Allow pauses between sentences and paragraphs; take your time. Let your listener visualize. TRANSLATE HERE
Most readers need to e-n-u-n-c-i-a-t-e … every syllable, every letter sound. A relaxed steady pace helps you to form the full sounds of the words. But if you’re one of the exceptions, who naturally hyper-enunciates, then relax into a conversational style, as if the reader is there with you. TRANSLATE HERE
Try for a steady volume level by speaking up, as if your listener is sitting across a table from you, and keeping a steady distance from your mic (not closer, farther, closer). Or if you naturally speak through walls, find the sweet spot in relation to your mic. TRANSLATE HERE
Modulate your voice — give it life! But don’t over-modulate your voice — give it truth! Here’s a tip: Read from the beginning of the story, and when you reach the end, immediately record the first page or so again. Chances are, you’ll begin a bit stiff and self-conscious, but you’ll soon lose yourself in the story and become more naturally animated. By the end, you’re nicely warmed up, and if you record the beginning again right now, it won’t sound at all stiff or self-conscious. TRANSLATE HERE
Test first - make sure you’re not too close or too far from the microphone. Every time you record, say a couple sentences and check how it sounds. TRANSLATE HERE
Put your microphone at an angle to your mouth, so your breath doesn’t hit the mic full on (making p-p-p-plosives). TRANSLATE HERE
Turn off your phone, and shut your door — enjoy! TRANSLATE HERE
You might prefer recordng in short sessions, taking breaks between, to avoid mental and vocal fatigue. (Combine the pieces into a single file during editing.) TRANSLATE HERE
When you make a mistake, pause a moment, and start again at the beginning of the sentence/paragraph — edit the mistake out later, after recording. Don’t just repeat a word or short phrase — that’ll be too hard to cut with during the edit. TRANSLATE HERE
If you want to improve your reading, edit your own work but don’t be a perfectionist, just keep on reading and editing — you’ll naturally begin to make small adjustments in your reading, and the whole process will become more and more enjoyable. TRANSLATE HERE
For more advice and discussions about reading, check out: 若需要有關朗讀的建議與討論,請參考:
The LibriVox Forum, especially 特別是 The LibriVox Forum (LibriVox 論壇)
What if I Suck? and TRANSLATE HERE
Making your reading sound Great. TRANSLATE HERE
And check the LibriVox wiki pages, particularly TRANSLATE HERE
How to Improve your Recording and 如何改進您的錄音及
Help! What if I Suck? TRANSLATE HERE
Basic Setup for Recording
The Newbie Guide To Recording (The Newbie Guide To Recording) — if you’ve never recorded The Newbie Guide To Recording (新手錄音手冊
How to Record for LibriVox (How to Record for LibriVox) — if you have How to Record for LibriVox (如何為 LibriVox 錄音
Audio software 聲音處理軟體
LibriVox projects use .mp3 files (mono, 128Kpbs), and most folks use the free, open-source audio recording-editing software, Audacity. Our Audacity FAQ walks you through download, installation, and testing. If you already have software that creates .mp3 files, you’re set; you may want to read or even add to our wiki page, Software We Use. TRANSLATE HERE
Microphone 麥克風
Though many computers have built-in microphones, most volunteers find them inadequate. Try yours on short texts (poems, short stories, prime numbers, etc.) if you want to contribute right away while deciding what you think of the built-in mic quality. Most volunteers use USB microphones (headsets or desk mics) plugged into their computers for a balance of acceptable and affordable. Our wiki page on User-Recommended Equipment cuts to the chase. TRANSLATE HERE
Project Specifics TRANSLATE HERE
Each project spells out everything you need to know in its top post: names for files and for mp3 tags, the intro and outro for your recording, where to get the free, public domain text online — for each book or collection or poem, the top post is the place. TRANSLATE HERE
Need Help? Got Advice? (Need Help? Got Advice?) You’ll find lots of discussion on software and microphones in the back pages of this area of the Forum. Need Help? Got Advice? (TRANSLATE HERE
These LibriVox Wiki pages (and many more!) are here to help: TRANSLATE HERE
How to Record for LibriVox 如何為 LibriVox 錄音
How to Send Your Recording 如何送出您的錄音

A note on copyright etc.
A note on copyright etc. 有關著作權等議題簡短說明
All texts in the LibriVox project are in the Public Domain texts. All LibriVox recordings will also be in the Public Domain. If you do not wish to liberate your voice recording to the public domain, this is not the project for you. 所有的 LibriBox 計畫裏的文稿都是在公共領域。所有 LibriVox 的錄音也將置於公共領域。如果您不想將您所錄製的錄音置於公共領域,那本計畫不適合您。


More info / about LibriVox

LibriVox Objective
LibriVox Objective Librivox 的目標
To make all books in the public domain available, for free, in audio format on the internet. 要將所有公共領域內的書籍,用有聲書的格式免費提供於網路上。
Our Fundamental Principles
Our Fundamental Principles 我們的基本原則
Librivox is a non-commercial, non-profit and ad-free project LibriVox 乃非商業、非營利、且全無廣告的計畫案
Librivox donates its recordings to the public domain LibriVox 將它的錄音檔案捐給公共領域
Librivox is powered by volunteers LibriVox 是由義工驅動的
Librivox maintains a loose and open structure LibriVox 維持寬鬆且公開的結構
Librivox welcomes all volunteers from across the globe, in all languages LibriVox 歡迎來自全球各地、說各種語言的義工
More Information
More Information 更多資訊
What We Do 我們作了什麼
Resources and Partners 資源與夥伴
In the Press 報章雜誌文選
Inspirations 靈感
The Beginning 創立之初
Contact 聯絡方式
What We Do
LibriVox volunteers record chapters of books in the public domain, and then we release the audio files back onto the net for free. All our audio is in the public domain, so you may use it for whatever purpose you wish. LibriVox 的義工錄下公共領域內之書籍的章節,然後我們將它以語音檔案方式發表,免費放回網路上,我們所有的語音檔案都屬於公共領域,因此,你可以隨意使用它們。
Volunteering for LibriVox is easy and does not require any experience with recording or audio engineering or acting or public speaking. All you need is a computer, some free recording software, and your own voice. We accept all volunteers in all languages, with all kinds of accents. You don’t need to audition or send us samples. We’ll accept you no matter what you sound like. 作為LibriVox的義工很簡單,你不需要任何與錄音、音頻工程、演戲、或對公眾演說相關的經驗,你只需要一部電腦、某種免費的錄音軟體、以及你的聲音,我們接受所有用各種語言、各種腔調來朗讀的義工,你不必來面試或送試聽檔給我們,我們不管你的聲音聽起來如何,都會接受你。
We operate almost exclusively through Internet communications on our forum, where all your questions will be answered by our friendly community. We have a flat structure, designed to let people do just what they want to do. 我們的運作幾乎全都在我們的論壇以溝通的方式進行,在那兒,你所有的問題都將會由我們這個友善的社群為你釋疑及解決,我們有平坦的結構,這是設計來讓人們可以作他們想作的事的結構。
For more detailed information, see our FAQ. 要得到更多資訊,請看我們的問與答
We’d like your help. Click to learn about volunteering for LibriVox. 我們希望你的幫忙,請點擊以便明瞭如何作LibriVox的義工
Resources and Partners
We get most of our texts from Project Gutenberg, and the Internet Archive and host our audio files (for free!). 我們的書籍內容大都由Project Gutenberg (古騰堡計畫)而來,而Internet Archive (網路檔案庫)ibiblio.org的主機(免費地!)贊助存放我們的語音檔案。
Our annual budget is $0, and for the moment we don’t need any money. We’ll let you know if that changes. In the mean time, perhaps you might consider supporting our partners: Project Gutenberg, Internet Archive. 我們的年度預算為0元,此時我們也不需要任何金錢,若有改變我們會通知你們,在此同時,你們也許可以考慮贊助我們的夥伴:古騰堡計畫 (Project Gutenberg)、網路檔案庫 (Internet Archive)
In the Press
Some press articles about LibriVox: 談論LibriVox的報章文選:
Reason Magazine

Los Angeles Times Montreal Gazette New York Times red hat magazine The World - BBC Radio IT conversations (audio) creative commons wikinews Les Echos (fr)

LibriVox was inspired by AKMA’s audio volunteer project that brought Lawrence Lessig’s book, Free Culture, to your ears. LibriVox乃是受到AKMA的語音義工計畫的啟發,該計畫將Lawrence Lessig的書自由文化錄下來給你們收聽。
Other inspirations include: 其他的靈感包括:
Urban Art Adventures’ and the podchef Translate « and » :

Richard Stallman & the Free Software movement Project Gutenberg Creative Commons Internet Archive

Brewster Kahle’s talk: TRANSLATE HERE
Universal Access to All Human Knowledge NO NEED TO TRANSLATE
The Beginning
LibriVox was started in August 2005, by Hugh McGuire, a Montreal-based writer and web developer. More about him can be found at An interview with Paula B from The Writing Show describing the project in its earliest days can be found here. LibriVox成立於2005年8月,由住在蒙特婁的作家與網頁開發者Hugh McGuire所創立,他的資料可在hughmcguire.net中尋得。在The Writing Show的訪問中 Paula B 描述了可在此尋得的本計畫創立初期之軼事
If you want to give feedback, please read this first. 若你有意見要回饋發表,請先讀此文
The best way to get in touch is on our Forum. 最佳的聯絡方式乃是經由我們的論壇與我們聯繫。
Send us an email at: info[AT]librivox[DOT]org 請電郵這個地址:info[AT]librivox[DOT]org

About Listening to LibriVox / release the audio files

About Listening to LibriVox 關於收聽LibriVox
LibriVox audiobooks are free (*). You may use them for whatever purpose you like. Click here for information about our public domain license. Click here to hear some samples of LibriVox recordings. LibriVox的有聲書是免費的(*)。你可以任意使用它們,請點擊這裡來多瞭解我們的公共領域權限,點擊此試聽LibriVox的錄製品。
There are several options for listening. The first step is to get the audio files (mp3 or ogg vorbis) into your own computer. There are two main ways to do this: 有多種方法可以聆聽,第一步就是先取得語音檔案(mp3 或 ogg vorbis)放到你自己的電腦中,要進行這個步驟,主要有兩種方法:
Thrice-weekly Podcast
1. Thrice-weekly Podcast 1. 一週三次的客製廣播
We podcast one book at a time, with three audio installments a week. To subscribe to our podcast, copy and paste this URL into your podcatcher: 我們一次製播一本書,一週撥三個語音檔案,要訂閱我們的客製廣播,請複製並將此URL地址貼到你的廣播擷取軟體中:
If you use iTunes, the subscription will happen automatically if you click on this URL: 若你使用 iTunes,當你點擊這個URL,就能自動訂閱:
2. Catalog 2. 目錄
Visit our catalog and download books you wish to listen to. You can search the catalog page, browse the catalog, or use our advanced search options. 參觀瀏覽我們的目錄,下載你想聽的書,你可以搜尋目錄頁瀏覽目錄、或使用我們的進階搜尋項目
Once you find a book you like, there are a few options to listen, including: 一旦找到你喜愛的書,有幾種方法可以聆聽,包括:
Download the zip file of the entire book 下載整本書的zip檔案
You can download a “zip” file that contains all the individual files of an entire book. To do that: 你可以下載一個包含整本書中所有個別檔案的“zip”檔,要下載:請
“right-click/save as” the “zip file of the entire book” onto your hard drive “點滑鼠右鍵/儲存” 這個 “整本書的zip檔” 到你的硬碟中
once it is downloaded (it might take a while) double click the zip file, to open it 一旦下載(可能需要一點時間),雙擊這個zip檔來開啟它
then use a media player (itunes, winamp, windows media player) to play the files 然後用媒體播放器(itunes, winamp, windows media player)來播放這些檔案
Subscribe in itunes 用itunes來訂閱
You can download an entire book using the subscribe feature in iTunes. To do that: 你可以用iTunes中的訂閱功能來下載整本書,要用這個方法:
click on the “subscribe in iTunes” link from the catalog page 請點擊在目錄頁上的 “在iTunes中訂閱”的連結
this will launch itunes (say “yes” if your computer asks), and import the whole book into iTunes 這樣就能啟動itunes(若你的電腦詢問,就回答「是」),這能將整本書輸入到iTunes中。
In iTunes, under “Podcasts,” you should see: “LibriVox: the-book-title …” Click the little black triangle to the left of the title to see all the chapters. Click the “get” button by each to download it. 在iTunes裡,在「客製廣播」下,你應該會看到:「LibriVox:書籍標題....」,點擊每本書的「取得」鍵來下載。
For more detailed instructions, see Subscribe in iTunes 要更詳盡的說明,請看在 iTunes 中訂閱
Now that you’ve got some of the mp3 or ogg files in your computer, you can listen to them in several ways. You can listen through your computer speakers using your favorite audio player. You can load the files into an iPod or other portable audio player and listen when and where you like. You can burn the files to an audio cd and listen to them in the car or on your home stereo. 現在你已經取得一些 mp3或ogg檔案放在你的電腦中了,你可以用下面幾種方法來聽書,你可以啟動你喜愛的播放軟體,用你電腦的喇叭來聽,你也可以將檔案裝到ipod或其他隨身播放器,你就可以隨時隨處聆聽,你還可以燒錄檔案到音樂CD中,而後用車裡的或家裡的音響聆聽。
For more detailed instructions, see our User Guide to Listening. 要更詳盡的說明,請看我們的聽書的使用者指南
If you have any troubles, please contact kayray, with subject line: “LibriVox help.” TRANSLATE HERE

In the translation, please leave “LibriVox help” as such. 若你遇到任何困難,請聯繫kayray,用“LibriVox help”作為標題主旨。

*NOTE that our files are free and public domain in the USA, but not necessarily everywhere in the world. To read more about why that is, see our Public Domain page. 請注意:我們的檔案在美國是免費且屬於公共領域,但不一定在世界各地都是這樣,要更加明瞭為何如此,請看我們的公共領域頁。

LibriVox Samples (hear some samples)

So how good are the LibriVox readers? We’ll be honest: some are better than others, but what some of us lack in voice modulation skills, we usually make up for in love for the text we are reading. But, remember, we are all volunteers. Before we get to the samples, here is one of the best descriptions, we think, of what’s special about LibriVox (from Institute of the Future of the Book): TRANSLATE HERE
As a regular audiobook listener, I was struck by the fact that while most literary audiobooks are read by authors who tend to work hard at conveying a sense of character, the Librivox selections seemed to convey, more than anything, the reader’s passion for the text itself; ie, for the written word. Here at the Institute we’ve been spending a fair amount of time trying to figure out when a book loses it’s book-ness, and I’d argue that while some audiobooks blur the boundary between book and performance, the Librivox books remind us that a book reduced to a stream of digitally produced sound can still be very much a book. TRANSLATE HERE
So, judge for yourself. These are random samples (honest … OK randomish): TRANSLATE HERE
Kara reads: A Little Princess, Chapter 5

Branko reads: Secret Agent, Chapter 5
John reads: A Modest Proposal
Cori reads: Sonnet 23
Tuija reads: Helsinkiin, Chapter 3
Greg reads: Notes from the Underground, Chapter 2
Grace & Brad read: Twas the Night Before Christmas … (I admit: that one wasn’t random).
Gord reads: Frankenstein, Chapter 17
Acrobatty reads: Northanger Abbey, chapter 14


Feedback / read this first

Listener Feedback
Listener Feedback 聽眾回應
Firstly, please remember that all LibriVox recordings are done by volunteers. No one is paid for recordings, no one is paid for editing, or cataloging or managing the project. Everything here is done by volunteers. 首先,請記得,所有 LibriVox 的錄音都是由義工所完成。他們錄音,沒有人付錢給他們,他們編輯,建立目錄,管理整個計畫,也沒有人付錢給他們。這裡所有的事情都是由義工所完成的。
The other thing to note is this: some of our readers are better than others. But our policy is to accept ANY reader who wishes to read for us. We have such a huge task ahead of us: to record all the books in the public domain! We can’t achieve that without an open door policy for everyone who wants to help. Plus, it’s part of the LibriVox way. We welcome anyone who wants to help. That’s how we got this far, and we want to go a lot further. TRANSLATE HERE
Our Proof Listening Process 我們的校對程序
We have put a proof-listening step into our process to try to catch problems in audio files (perhaps you would like to help? Visit the proof-listening thread on our forum). In this step we try to get all our audio checked before we upload and catalog (which for the record, is not an easy process). We try to catch things like long silences, repeated text, editing problems, volume problems, static etc. But we don’t really make comments on reading style — too fast/too slow, not enough oomph. For instance, we never say: “This reader is not good enough for LibriVox.” Though in some cases we may try to give some feedback to a particular reader, to give some advice on how they can improve. TRANSLATE HERE
So: Please do let us know if you have any problems with a recording you’ve heard, whether technical in nature, or even if it’s a style question. We’d like to know if there are unhappy listeners. If the file can be fixed we will try to fix it; but if the problem falls within the “LibriVox idiosyncrasy” zone, well we’ll let you know. TRANSLATE HERE
Also note: Project Gutenberg has a 99% accuracy target for its texts. On a 20 minute audio recording that would be equivalent to 12 seconds of errors. (Count to 12 and see how long that is). We don’t maintain such a specific target, but keep it in mind when sending us comments. TRANSLATE HERE
So what to do if you have a problem: 當您有問題時該怎麼作:
Please send an email to: info AT librivox DOT org

with the following information:

請 email 到 info 在 librivox 點 org,並附上下列的資料
- Name of Book

- Chapter/Section Number - File format (64kbps mp3, 128 kbps mp3, ogg vorbis) - How you downloaded the file (individual download, zip download, ftp, podcast download) - Nature of problem - Time or times-location of problems (if possible)

And thanks for listening! 感謝您的聆聽!


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